Book Review: Lady Anne Blunt - a biography

Lady Anne Blunt lived most of her life in the shadow of her awful husband Wilfrid, an adulterous cad who pranced about spending her money willy-nilly.
He even moved mistresses into Crabbet house; Lady Anne seemed to put up with all this and was more or less content to stay out of the limelight while her own achievements - at least in the eyes of modern-day Arabian breeders - far outweighed those of her husband. Even Lady Wentworth's Authentic Arabian Horse is formed from much of Lady Anne's writing and research.
by HVF Winstone
Barzan Publishing Hard cover, 366pp; RRP £19.95 ISBN: 1900988 577 Available from Fishpond (NZ) or Amazon (US) or Amazon (GB).
From about the age of four until her death, Lady Anne was a prolific writer, and kept a journal which detailed everday happenings - which were far from ordinary. The Blunts - thanks to Lady Anne's connections - moved in the best circles. Her grandfather was the poet Lord Byron, who died some years before her birth. Anne was largely brought up by her grandmother, Lady Byron, while her mother, Ada, was pursuing her scientific interests.