Kimberley all smiles after qualifying ride
Kimberley and Fabuloso finishing the 40km Mt Linton ride. © Lisa Simpson
Kimberley and Lyn have done three rides this season, all with the local Mt Linton club.
The first was in November where Kimberley took her 21 year old pony and Lyn took Woodlau’s Merlin. Both vetted through successfully. They then took the same horses to the December ride and got through without a hitch. Both rides were just 25km.
The latest ride was on January 26, at the club's Ken Officer Memorial Cup ride where local sponsors donate prizes for the riders.
We drove to the venue at Jeff Farm, on the road to Clinton, the afternoon before. Kimberley rode our warmblood mare Fabuloso this time.
It was decided we would do the 25km ride as the day was very hot and we felt that Blackie (Fabuloso) might not be fit enough for a 40km. But Kimberley managed to talk Lyn into doing the 40km. Both horses vetted through, though with Blackie being black she was feeling the heat at the end of the ride.
They completed the ride in four and a half hours, and Kimberley was very happy with her first ever qualification ribbon and her prize.